How to Donate to or Sponsor with Wonder Workshop
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization, Wonder Workshop Children’s Museum depends on contributions from donors like you to provide the children and families of our region with enriching educational experiences that inspire creativity and curiosity. Admission and membership fees cover less than 50% of the Museum’s annual operating expenses. Your gift helps to cover essential operating expenses like program supplies, exhibits, and public programs, out-of-school Discovery Days, outreach to schools, Pre-K STEAM, Summer Camp, maintenance of our facility, and gives us the opportunity to provide access to all participants, regardless of income. Tax exempt status available by request.
There are Many Ways to Give:
Donate Money
Individual Giving: Used for areas of greatest need, supporting program development, exhibit upgrades, & supplies.
Become a SPONSOR
Learn about sponsorship possibilities
We especially thank our sponsors for their continued support!